Rebound Series
2004 - Ongoing
Rebound Series
2004 - OngoingBegun in 2004, Rebound is an ongoing project where Killoran rebounds all the books he reads and shares them with friends and associates. This image is of the “library” installed at the Witte de With in the exhibition “The Part In The Story Where A Part Becomes A Part Of Something Else” in 2014. Visitors were encouraged to take and share the books. This was the first time the library was presented in an exhibition format.

Rebound Series
2004 - OngoingInitiated by the artist in 2004, this project consists of a continuous exchange of books from the artist’s library. Once read, each book is rebound with a new cover that includes a message in the front and roster for names in the back.

Rebound Series
2004 - OngoingDetail of text. The message is addressed to whomever it may concern, and reads, “I am a book intended to be passed on and shared. If you choose to read me, please sign-in on my back cover. When you are finished reading, give me to another person. Do not keep me in storage or put me on the shelf, deliver me to the next reader. If you find me in storage, or with someone who is not reading me, you are authorized to take me as your own and read me.”

Rebound Series
2004 - OngoingDetails of foldout sign-in sheet. Each volume include a roster that folds out from the back cover. The expected readership is extremely optimistic.