Hand to Hand Series

2001 - Ongoing

Hand to Hand (Allison Peters)


Front view. Begun in 2000 this is an ongoing project that consists of delivering a set of two identical letters. Each pair is created and packaged by the artist; and it is delivered without the use of an official postal system. Instead, they circulate by making use of a trust-based system and social relations. There are two other additional parameters for this project. The first is that however identical the contents of these packages are; each letter travels a separate path to arrive at the same destination. The second is that the addressee’s name is included; but aside from a city or a workplace, little to no other information is provided.

Hand to Hand (Allison Peters)


Back view. The package is designed and functions like an inter-office mail envelope. The back includes a roster where the name and location of every participant can be added: this list becomes a trade route that begins with the person whom the artist initially entrusted and every person who relayed the letter en route to the addressee.

Hand to Hand (Allison Peters)


This is a detail of the instructions and sign-in sheet.